Mission, Vision & values
Beaconhouse aims to provide quality education of an international standard. We aim for excellence through quality management, quality training and quality teaching, bringing benefits to our students, the community and the wider world.
Beaconhouse values its heritage while it continues to reinvent its educational approach to meet the needs of the future. We believe that modern methods and attitudes can enable students to achieve their fullest potential.
With the world and the needs of the community changing at an ever-increasing rate, Beaconhouse endeavours to be open to change, to adapt, innovate and keep pace with the goals that society expects. At Beaconhouse, our aim and belief are that through effort and hard work, students will be able to step confidently into the highly competitive ‘real world’. We ensure that they are equipped with the ability to make mature and well-informed judgements based on a clear understanding of essential principles, concepts and moral values. This, we believe, is the best contribution we can make towards their development as productive members of society and, through them, to the country and the wider world.
Definition of Learning:
Learning at Beaconhouse Al Khaleej is defined as a clear visible instructional experience where students are able to understand the learning intentions and how to achieve them through continuous feedback culture.
Learning Dispositions:
Students at Beaconhouse Al Khaleej will be able to achieve their learning intentions through persistence, self-motivation, determination, risk taking, and asking for feedback.
Beaconhouse Learner Profile
The Beaconhouse Learner Profile translates our mission of benefitting students, the community and the wider world into a set of attributes essential for holistic development. The learner profile embodies values and beliefs that are essential for students to learn and grow into responsible citizens of the world. These values are consistent throughout Beaconhouse’s Early Years, Primary, Middle and Secondary schools. The learner profile helps to create a community of learners who are empowered, inspired and aware. With these attributes, students are empowered to actively engage with the complex world beyond schooling – a world to which they can contribute with compassion and a sense of responsibility. Beaconhouse learners aim to be:
Inquisitive: As natural inquirers, they are curious about their surroundings and, through self-inquiry, can generate knowledge leading to a better understanding of the world.
Ethical: They are accountable for their actions and possess a spirit of honesty, integrity, equality, fairness and human dignity and make informed decisions based on these key moral principles.
Creative & Innovative: They generate original thoughts and ideas that have value and are inspired by imagination and innovation. Their good work and community service help them empathise with others, ensuring the creation of a more just, caring and compassionate world.
Healthy & Active: They are aware and able to make conscious decisions about healthy living and are involved in activities that develop their mind, body and spirit both inside and outside school.
Analytical: They create logical connections between ideas and can identify, evaluate and solve problems systematically by relying on their own critical thinking.
Globally Aware: Our students cultivate international mindedness, and global dignity to understand and address complex global and environmental issues. They embrace individuals from diverse lifestyles, cultures, religions, and political and social backgrounds, thus cultivating unity through diversity.
Digital Literate: They share ideas and collaborate with others both locally and internationally while responsibly using digital technology and tools to evaluate and create knowledge and information.
Resolute: They are unwavering in their quest to learn and are dedicated, dependable and resilient in both thought and action.